Supervised Access Solutions was a beacon of light in one of the darkest times of this family’s life. We have been with them for 2 years and they have given us family time that we otherwise would not have been able to enjoy. Further, they were most instrumental in helping our family rehabilitate, which is the real goal of any access arrangement.
The facilitators are all very friendly, accommodating and non-judgmental. They afforded the opportunity for our family to begin to heal in a friendly environment and never once made us feel as though we were being scrutinized. The facility is clean, private and setup like a regular living area. This makes things like play time and meals much easier to accommodate since it doesn’t feel so “clinical”.
It really helped our family to start interacting again and still had space for the siblings to pair off and have fun in their own little corners. Whether it was playing video games, doing puzzles or playing board games, there was space for all of it.
During the COVID pandemic, every precaution was taken to ensure that all were kept safe and socially distant. Masks were worn, the room and accoutrements were sanitized thoroughly to Hospital standards and temperatures were checked regularly. The reports were accurate, timely and thorough.
They were extremely professional and unbiased – stating only the facts without any editorial content. Although a facilitator was always in the room, it never felt like we were being observed. It is obvious that the staff has plenty of experience with many different family situations. They can discern personalities quickly and even help the “shy ones” open up and feel comfortable.
As our time at SAS drew nearer to a close, they felt more like part of the family than just supervised access facilitators. The requirement for supervised access is rarely born out of pleasant situations. However, Supervised Access Solutions skillfully allowed for the unpleasantness to be suspended – even if only for a couple of hours – while the family rebuilds bonds and heals.
We recommend Supervised Access Solutions over any other service available for the comfortable environment they provide, their professionalism and their dedication toward achieving the same goals as the families they serve; which is to heal. Thank you, SAS, for all you have done for us!